Hearken, warriors of fortune!

The chosen children of Acacius have fallen before the savage abyss. Years of exploration, of diplomacy, of heroism; all teeter on the brink of collapse. The lengthening shadows draw fresh chaos from the night, and even the bravest cower before the encroaching tide. Bastions of enlightenment have crumbled before the rot in the world, and servants of iniquitous demons gather, to tear the gods screaming from the heavens!

This is your chance to forge the shape of the future. Your chance to steal opportunity from the fickle whims of fate.

This is an age in which those that act will see their names etched in eternity, while those that falter will fall into ignominy.

It is an age of legend.

An age of blood.

An age of iron!

Friday, 17 May 2013

Amon WAR!

Wells have been poisoned. The Palaces of Praesidium and Magistrates have come under attack. Enemy agents have been whittling down a hit-list of key individuals. Fires have spread panic through the city. All lines of communication with Magna Thule have been cut. A naval blockade prevents both reinforcement and escape.

Amon Tor has declared war on Fort Petronia.

Amon Tor's forces were quick to take advantage of the chaos. A swarm of tar-beasts flooded through Arvum, while a circle of arcane stones allowed for the materialisation of troops right outside Fort Petronia. 

The adventurers of the Golden Grain were quick to respond. Travelling to Arvum, they found and destroyed the monolith animating the tar. Outside of Petronia, they met the champion Theodulous in battle and halted the advance of his troops; albeit at great cost.

With the first wave repelled, Fort Petronia has begun preparing for the coming months. The laisaurs of the Vulcasauri lands and Tetlco have declared their allegiance with Thule, as have the troglodytes of Drak'hod Sruth. The adventurers are attempting to bring others into the conflict, while at the same time continuing the fight against tyranny. 

Will the adventurers prevail? Or will Amon Tor extend his rule across the whole continent? Only time will tell...