Hearken, warriors of fortune!

The chosen children of Acacius have fallen before the savage abyss. Years of exploration, of diplomacy, of heroism; all teeter on the brink of collapse. The lengthening shadows draw fresh chaos from the night, and even the bravest cower before the encroaching tide. Bastions of enlightenment have crumbled before the rot in the world, and servants of iniquitous demons gather, to tear the gods screaming from the heavens!

This is your chance to forge the shape of the future. Your chance to steal opportunity from the fickle whims of fate.

This is an age in which those that act will see their names etched in eternity, while those that falter will fall into ignominy.

It is an age of legend.

An age of blood.

An age of iron!

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Amon War 3: No Matter The Cost!

Lost in enemy territory, assailed from every side, still the adventurers fought on. The resistance forces beneath Thalimani were purged, the mountain paths travelled by Kullasi's forces collapsed and barred. Even the armies of Enos, led by Theodulous himself, were crushed and their champion slain.

The Thulian army pushed on to Enos, only to find the city in chaos. The Troll fleet had arrived just a few hours earlier, but already their forces were razing the city. Prince Yorgos, having returned from the Savannah, had raised the ancestors of the empire to defend their children. The adventurers cut a bloody path through the dead, but could do little to stop the rampaging Trolls. With the Kullasi army gaining on their position, the Thulian forces prepared themselves to fight a final battle against the background of destruction.

The adventurers, meanwhile, joined with Troglodyte rebels to move to Amon Tor's capital and strike their enemy one last, killing blow.

So it was that the servants of Voras fell. The planting of an experimental explosive device destroyed the Great Pyramid, sending a rain of bricks and stones smashing through the neighbouring cities of Polykarpos and Nekropolis. Prince Yorgos gathered the faithful for one final act of defiance, while Amon Tor turned to his dark magics to win the day. Still the adventurers thwarted their efforts, sending them reeling to the Maw of the Wyrm.

Here, amid the grand temple of Voras, the adventurers of the Golden Grain fought to end the war once and for all. No quarter was asked and none was given, the dead prophets bodies ripped to shreds and scattered to the winds. As the remaining armies of Amon Tor descended on their position, the adventurers escaped through the Maw, returning to the Great Savannah, and the safety of their own lines.

With the enemy leaders dead and their empire devastated, it would seem the worst of the war is over. Yet Amonian troops still lie scattered across the plains, lives uprooted by the war have yet to find peace, and the consequences of this conflict looks set to be carried down through the ages.

Now the adventurers have time to relax and celebrate, for Fort Petronia is safe again...

But for how long? 

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Amon War 2: Retaliation!

The lands around Fort Petronia have been secured, but the adventurers have not come through the battles unscathed. Many have fallen before the relentless armies of Amon Tor; and so it was with heavy hearts that the adventurers set out to take the fight to the enemy.

Heading east across the Troll Isles, the adventurers called to the Jarls, Thanes, and Forge-Twisters of the Thyngsburg to join them in their crusade. While minions of Amon Tor sought to prevent this union, the adventurers quickly exposed these snakes in the grass. The Trolls rallied to the invocation of ancient oaths and swore to fight by the adventurers' sides. 

Beyond the Isles, further plans were put in place. Some thousand Thulian legionaries and comparable numbers of Vulcasauri warriors assembled to strike at the very heart of the empire. Their mission; to draw the attention of Amon Tor back to his own lands, forcing him to pull his elite troops away from the Savannah and its strained defenders. 

The initial assaults have proven successful. Amon Tor's western defences have been overcome. Contact has been established with insurgents ready to rise against the empire from within. Key personnel have been imprisoned and executed. The strike-force has even moved to take the city of Thalimani, western gate-way to the imperium.

Yet war rarely runs smoothly. The military forces of Thalimani have gone to ground, preparing to fight a guerilla war against the invading army. The cities of Enos and Kullasi have both sent forces to liberate their neighbour. Biological warfare threatens to weaken the Vulcasauri forces, and the legionaries are disappearing for reasons unknown. 

Until these matters are resolved, Amon Tor has little reason to slow his assault of the Great Savannah. Thulian victory is anything but certain, but if anyone can prevail against such odds, it is the adventurers of the Golden Grain!