Hearken, warriors of fortune!

The chosen children of Acacius have fallen before the savage abyss. Years of exploration, of diplomacy, of heroism; all teeter on the brink of collapse. The lengthening shadows draw fresh chaos from the night, and even the bravest cower before the encroaching tide. Bastions of enlightenment have crumbled before the rot in the world, and servants of iniquitous demons gather, to tear the gods screaming from the heavens!

This is your chance to forge the shape of the future. Your chance to steal opportunity from the fickle whims of fate.

This is an age in which those that act will see their names etched in eternity, while those that falter will fall into ignominy.

It is an age of legend.

An age of blood.

An age of iron!

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Term 4: Heart of Darkness!

For one thousand years, Magna Thule held strong against the abyss. For one thousand years, the people looked to their God to save them from the void, and for one thousand years divine Acacius answered their prayers. For one thousand years, the land of the free offered liberty and justice to the people of Kairos; a safe refuge in an otherwise benighted world. 

Then the grain failed. Hysteria swept the nation as food supplies grew thin. Riots broke out. Magistrates tried to keep the peace. The legions saw the chain of command crumbling around them and found their loyalties divided. The demons rose to tear civilisation down. Those who could, fled to the colonies. Those who could not were left to scratch savage living from the chaos. 

Into the carnage strode the adventurers of Fort Petronia. They took back the southern ports, creating a safe refuge for the people fleeing to the coast. They rallied the holy orders to hold the line against the abyss and began the great push to retake the fallen capital.

As they marched north, they gathered news of Calidon's fate. They encountered the vanguard of the Harvesters, militant fanatics who had taken the city in the name of their God. For they claimed Acacius had arisen, and walked amid the carnage separating the wheat from the chaff.

So the adventurers gathered on the Fields of Blood, where one thousand years before Acacius had sown the first grain. There they met God, flanked by armies of His Harvestors, and waged war against Him.

And as the dust did clear, the adventurers stood as survivors of the war. They had survived the death of their God, but whether they were truly victorious that day remains to be seen...

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