Chapter 1: Signs and Solutions
A routine patrol of Fort Petronia's defenses found one of the adventurers dead in a ditch. Search parties revealed more bodies, dead but walking. Hasty investigations led to an unavoidable conclusion; the Adventurers of the Golden Grain had fallen to the Abyss. Petronia had lost its finest protection against the rot in the world.
A state of emergency was declared. A call went out for new recruits to take the adventurers' place.
Heroes from across Kairos rallied to the city's aid. They rose to the challenge of replacing their fallen predecessors, protecting Petronia from the Abyss as the lengthening shadows closed in around it. The fate of the old adventurers was soon revealed, the secret golden city in which they met their fate exposed to the world. The state of peace built over the past decade was upheld as the new adventurers came to the aid of neighboring laisaur and troglodyte alike. This diplomacy gave swift rewards, for at the darkest hour of the winter, allies from across Nova Thule came to save Fort Petronia from the demons of the void.
Chapter 2: Tour of Duty
As the start of spring saw the grain sown, the adventurers planned how to take best advantage of this season of respite. They set off to the south, to aid the people of Arvum in founding a new Colony. The people of Arvum, descendants of Thulian colonists themselves, held little faith in these uninvited imperialists; but the adventurers eventually won their favor by lifting the curse that had for so long dogged their land.
With the colony established, the adventurers turned their eyes still further south. Beyond the mountains, at the heart of the continent, lies the Axial Frontier; a wall of ice patrolled by hostile reptiles. The Narga had brought much death to the troglodytes of the highlands, and the adventurers sought to protect the hill-folk in the most final way possible, by wiping the frost-laisaur from the face of Kairos.
To this end they conspired with the leader of a growing Ogre war-band. Thorgrahl Khan was gathering all the troglodytes he could find to wage war on the southern Narga. He and the adventurers found themselves with common purpose, and marched across the Great Savannah to swell their ranks. They headed towards the Pillar of Infinity, an ancient tower containing the souls of generations of troglodyte dead. The armies of Amon Tor laid siege to the Pillar, so the ever increasing army marched hard across the plains, to save their kin before they fell.
As the army approached the Pillar, the alliance between the Kharn and the adventurers broke down. Opinions and personalities clashed, with the eventual outcome of the adventurers killing the Kharn and taking control of the army for themselves. They marched upon the Pillar, sent the forces of Amon Tor fleeing back to their empire, and liberated the Pillar of Infinity.
Now, after basking in the adulation of those they had rescued, the adventurers are heading home...